15 octombrie 2007

creatori trasniti si minunati puteti salva lumea!!

15 Octombrie nu este o zi obisnuita pe blogosfera. Astazi cuvintele "blog action day" au starnit zeci de mii de reactii pozitive in toate colturile lumii.

Este ziua SOLIDARITATII pentru o lume mai buna!

"In theory, most of us would like to help the environment, preserve the world’s natural beauty, and generally make this planet a better place to live.
In practice, we don’t necessarily have the time or energy to get involved in major projects, join Greenpeace, protest the corporate polluters, or make sweeping lifestyle changes. We want to help, but with all that’s going on in our lives, it gets put on the back burner.
But playing your part to help the environment doesn’t have to be difficult, time-consuming, or sweeping. You can help out in little ways, making gradual changes, baby steps.
Starting today."

and every day from now on...

Reactia echipei HOOPLA ... Stinge becul si vei afla!

Ma gandeam cat de bine se potriveste reciclarea produselor cu ideea de crafting.

In jurul fiecaruia exista un urias arsenal de lucruri pastrate in ideea ca poate… intr-o zi, cine stie, le vom putea folosi la ceva. Ei bine cred ca a sosit si vremea lor.
Sa faci ceva frumos si placut, din altceva aparent inutil, sau bun de aruncat, poate fi un pas mic si important.

Quilt-uri facute din blugii vechi este este doar o mica idee din zecile posibile de refolosire a acestora.

Happy faces quilt - primul meu quilt mare (si singurul)

Quilt-ul Mariei Bornikoel

Geanta facuta de Andreea

Multumesc Sanda pentru link-ul trimis.

4 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Multumesc si eu Daniela. Am scris si eu pe Peticel, dar abia azi :-((
Poti sa crezi??
Ieri am uitat sa scriu (mai exact n-am avut timp), insa n-am uitat ca trebuie sa ne pese de planeta asta. Sper ca mesajul asta sa ramana...

Anonim spunea...

Iti multumesc Sanda inca o data. Initiativa lor este grozava.
Aseara pe la 11 am scris si eu. Noroc de Corina ca mi-am amintit.


The Wrap Up

The very first Blog Action Day was an unprecedented success and
we've got the final wrap up where the site used to be at
http://blogactionday.org complete with statistics, sample posts,
details of the huge amount of press coverage we had all over
the world, quotes and more.

It's a must see. Please feel free to spread the word around as
it's great for people to really see what we achieved together.


And if I could just say a huge thank you to every single one of
you, all 20,603 registered bloggers who took the plunge even if
it meant going off their regularly scheduled programming and
stood up to be counted.

Also thank you to everyone who helped out with the effort, in
particular Leo Babauta whose contacts, writing and enthusiasm
pushed the enterprise forward, my wife - Cyan Ta'eed who braved
the media and fronted up to interviews around the globe, John
Brougher who put together the superb video, Ryan Allen who
performed the elite coding to keep the site up despite barrages
of traffic and most importantly my Dad - Fuad Ta'eed who valiantly
looked through thousands of blogs to give the tick of approval,
every single day for two months.

So until next year when we get back together for
Blog Action Day 2008,

This is Collis signing off,
on behalf of the Blog Action Day team

Shelina spunea...

These are great ways to recycle. I made a denim circle quilt, but I put the squares inside the circles. I like your idea of using circles for the backing as well.


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