1. I do rope dancing between quiet and socialization need (unfortunately it balance mostly toward the first one)
2. I am very pacient and this is reflexible on the others around me, sometimes in a favourable way
3. I adore the mountain expeditions and miss travelling
4. I like dogs so that I’ll be able to waste energy for helping those homeless (we have already adopted one two years ago)

5. I like reading and reading again « The hapiness journal » by Nicolae Steinhard
6. I like clowns and hilarious people (it’s not a joke)
7. I don’t like talking about me!!!
Daca va place acest joc, alaturati-va.
Voi nominaliza si eu alte 7 bloguri:
Mihaela, Elena , Teodo , Liana, Andreea, Madalina, Sonia
2 comentarii:
Si mie imi plac cainii vagabonzi:-) si am grija de ei.
merci frumos :) in cel putin trei puncte ne asemanam ;)
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